Stay Lighted

These are dark times…Violence, lack of tolerance and the decadence of all empathy are bringing our human chapter to a close. With the entire race of humanity being either frivolous or ignorant to modern time threats, there’s not much one can do to help our society build itself onto a better one.

In times like these, those of us who care or want a better positive future, must stay influenced by light, by positive energies. Those of us who are empaths, may suffer from episodes of sadness or isolation. We tend to have a deeper connection to the people that surround us and their emotions, to have stronger reactions to the pain that our world is living, and sometimes we feel we can’t do anything about it. But even though it feels impossible, it is not. We have to open our senses, open our emotions, help those in need and try to heal yourself as well.

Negativity is rampant, and it feels like a hole trying to drag the light out there. But we must fight that negativity, the threat that is consuming us as a society and our own selves. Keep shining, keep sharing your light and open up your senses.

It’s Up To Us

The lack of power, stamina, energy, inspiration and hope due to a monster that struck many lands and wiped them out may feel like you’ve died. It feels like you’ve been separated from everything you’ve known your entire life and suddenly you are alone in the World. Everything we know of technology was put aside, we all took a few steps backwards and corruption erupted on plain sight. Although this was all visible, among the suffering of thousands, evil behaviors towards other humans beings took the spotlight. And it was here where we all saw the lack of capacity of many people to have empathy towards other living beings who are suffering. Evolution has somewhat ripped the human body and mind of empathy, becoming more self-important and careless, rather than generous and caring.  

It is a very harsh time, and we are all guilty of these situations happening worldwide. We are the ones who do what is wrong or look to the other side when something bad is happening. It is up to us to change this abysmal pattern that is leading to our extinction, we must take action and become more caring and empathetic. It is vital to protect and love others, to increase positivity and lock the negative out.  

You have a key and you’re a component to our World’s life. Let’s make the World more positive, loving, accepting and peaceful. 

What We Do, Who We’ll Be


Only through our good actions we can find real beauty.  The vibes, the feels each being gets when doing something right for another is where perfection can be felt.  That instant of personal evolution, of doing what’s truly correct, not getting any regrets at all.  That’s when we become beautiful, for our bodies are a vessel for our consciousness (the energy with intelligence) that makes our body and organs move, feel and experience life.  


Isn’t it wonderful when we go into that positive channel?  Everything seems like a good chance, nothing bad can affect you, because you see the good things in the negatives.  And that is how we should aspire to be every day, looking for the brightness that sometimes could be hidden in our day.  Due to our jobs, very bad attitudes from people, negative vibes or other things, we are consumed by all that energy.  Cut it off, change your channel, get away from those people, fill yourself with good things and keep your head positive.  Actually, one thing that helps a lot is going out, where nature surrounds you.  Plants, flora in general, have a magical healing process, restoring your emotional and mental peace, it is really amazing.  Whenever you feel tired or stressed, go somewhere that is surrounded by trees or a pretty landscape.  A park is good too, be safe though, always stay alert, but enjoy this time with yourself and breath deeply a lot of times.  Refreshment will be on your way.

-Jess O. Rubio

Be Good, Feel Good


Be good to others and yourself!  Always keep that in mind, as everything you do comes back at you as a reward for your actions.  It is vital and very very important to give peace to others and inspire them.  Even your emotional state might drastically change if you’re feeling stuck somewhere, at some point.  Everything works like a boomerang, even networking on every job.


If you learn to pay attention to what people are trying to say, they will eventually listen to you.  And even if they don’t, just do.  Be different, be kind and warm hearted, make the day easier for people.  You never know what these people are going through, at least do the right thing as you would them to do with you.  To receive something, you must first give.

Good afternoon and have a nice week!

– Jess O. Rubio